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Crescent Extension Project
Summary Information
Railroad Union Pacific
Overview Extending Crescent, most likely to the west, to be capable of supporting most coal trains.
Purpose Currently, the siding is too short for most meets. This means that westbound coal trains must hold at Plain for eastbounds or eastbounds must hold at Cliff for westbounds. This stretch of the tunnel district makes for a bottleneck that the extension of Crescent could help alleviate.
Plan Most likely the widening of the fill at west Crescent and an extension west. Exact plan is unknown.

Detail Information
Timeline Unknown
Major Obstacles 1. Funding / Priority from Omaha.
2. There is currently no room for extension of the siding west due to a fill that is currently not wide enough to support a second track.
Project Updates
12/1/2005 - Denver Service Unit includes this enhancement in its 5-year "wish list" to Omaha.
Start Date
Completion Date
Total Duration

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